Discussion over at r/bigtuna
Hello everyone, the gist is that PCBWay.com has run tests and result look good. They also have shipped off a few boards for me to for further testing. So we are getting close!
There is a bad news here though – the surface finish was not done in Purple + Gold Immersion. Instead, it was done in Lead-Free HASL (Purple + silver color combo). So I am talking to them on getting this issue addressed. This is a setback, there is no nice way to put this =(. This is a simple aesthetic issue, but I want to get this done right for you. So even though it will cost me extra, I must own up to it. The components are available and ready over at PCBWay.com. So only the PCBs have to be remade. Normally it takes 4-5 days.
This prolonged delay is quite frustrating, but I sincerely appreciate your patience!